
Countdown timer for your trip in Mykonos

Do you maintain a personal site or blog? Moreover are you traveling to Mykonos this summer? If you can answer yes to these two questions, then perhaps you would like to let your site's visitors learn in how many days you will be arriving to Mykonos.

This is possible by creating your own vacation countdown timer widget. Read the instructions below for a step to step guide.


  • 1. Select the date you will be arriving to the island. You can also set the time!
  • 2. Select a size for your widget.
  • 3. Click the "Get Widget" button. This will open a preview window with your widget, along with a field with the widget's code.
  • 4. Copy the code to your site or blog, or click the "Cancel" button to adjust the widget.

Format of time is: HH:MM (24H)

Widget preview